

Indoor Plants

Strader’s has an exceptional variety of indoor plants, with expertise to help you select the right plants for your environment.

Strader's is your indoor plant resource for healthy, thriving plants.

Houseplants and indoor plants brighten up any environment, plus add many healthy benefits. Some are easy to keep growing, while others require a little (or a lot) more care. The experts at Strader’s can help you select an attractive set of plants for your home or office setting, complete with the pots, soils and advice needed to establish a healthy, actively growing plant setting. 

Here are our most popular Indoor Plant categories:

High Light Plants

High Light Plants

High light indoor plants usually have to be right next to a window to survive as they require direct or strong indirect sunlight for most of the day. This can be a bit challenging in Central Ohio where winter temperatures can cause it to be cold next to a window.

Talk to your Strader’s plant experts for advice on where to place these plants, how to care for them as the seasons change and how much time and attention is required to keep them healthy.

Medium Light Plants

Medium Light Plants

This type of plant needs to stay out of direct sunlight, but still needs to be in a brightly lit room. Sounds kind of fussy, but think of them as growing on a forest floor with lots of ambient light, but no direct light for long periods. 

Low Light Plant

Low Light Plants

A great selection for home and modern offices with tinted windows and fluorescent or LED lighting, low light plants should be placed away from areas with medium, to high amounts of light. This is your selection of you have a hard time keeping plants alive.

Hanging Basket Plants

These are the fun ones – hanging plants love to grow, and grow, and keep on growing down and out into the room. With the right setting and regular watering, they make you look like a master green-thumb! Adding tons of character and charm to most any setting, our selection of hanging potted plants is full of colorful, fun varieties.


Terrarium & Fairy Garden Plants

We have a full selection of smaller plants ideal for terrariums and fairy gardens, including settings already created for you to purchase as-is. These small species are popular for the peaceful and visually interesting miniature scenes they create when combined with miniature garden décor designed just for their setting. 

Some of the more popular plants for miniature garden scenes include Baby Tears Plant, Spiderwort, Friendship Plant, Spikemoss and Weeping Fig. We also have small pots if you simply want a small plant for your desk or kitchen, and all of the soils, plant food and materials needed for your creation.

Visit one of our six convenient locations to see our full inventory.

Helpful Tip!

Spin your plants around regularly so they grow evenly and not lopsided.