
Indoor Plants

Low Light Plants

A lovely selection of plants for areas of the home or office without medium, to high amounts of sunlight.

Low light plants have unique requirements, and Strader's has the plants - and knowledge you need.

Plants considered “low light” need to be placed away from areas with medium, to high levels of light. Good locations for low light plants are artificially-lit offices, darker corners of your home or places where direct sunlight will never shine, or brighten a room. They do have to have some light, but light bulbs and windows several feet away are usually just fine. Because low light plants use less energy, and therefore don’t grow rapidly, they are often easier to keep alive.

Here are some of our most popular Low Light Plants:

Peace Lily

Peace Lily

A classic houseplant, the Peace Lily adds nice color to a room, is easy to care for and bloom for a short period in the spring. The blooms are more of a modified leaf, but the effect is the same – a nice dash of color. For best results, the soil should be kept evenly moist.


If you can’t keep anything alive, this is the plant for you! Occasional watering is all it needs to stay alive, in case you get busy and forget it’s even there… but keeping its soil evenly moist with monthly fertilizing will produce lovely results. If it has leaves that are variegated – parts are green and parts are not – it will show color best if given bright indirect light.

Snake Plant

Snake Plant

The Snake Plant is called this because of its unique upright shape. The root structure of this visually interesting plant is small and fairly slow-growing, so don’t oversize the pot. A Snake Plant does best with well-drained soil kept evenly moist – but never soggy.

ZZ Plant

The ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) is a popular plant because of its tolerance for neglect, attractive leaves and ability to filter toxins from indoor air. Its shiny leaves reflect light and the plant may flower in mid-summer to early autumn. The only potential downside of the ZZ Plant is its toxicity if eaten. Care should be taken to keep it out of reach of children and nibbling pets. It can also cause skin irritation if touched when replanting, but washing your hands after touching is usually enough to remedy this.


ZZ Plant

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